
Free Your Mind: And The Rest Will Follow

The algorithm on your phone is controlling your mind. If you aren’t aware that it exists, it will make your mind up for you before you know what happened. Enough of the drama, what AM I talking about?

In the beginning man wanted to communicate with others in their tribe. The first languages were thought to be gestural similar to ASL (American Sign Language) today. But shortly after spoken language was developed we began to look for newer and more efficient ways to communicate ideas. Of course written language came about as a means to preserve ideas over time. Then variations on these languages came about for specialized purposes to signal across great distances or for noisy environments. Flags, smoke signals, lights, Morse code, etc. Until just before the 20th century.

Two major events changed the course of human communication. The first was the steam engine being utilized as a locomotive for trains. This allowed people to travel so far and quickly that time became a standardized concept. Prior to this, sundials would be used to calibrate time for each city, based on the position of the sun. This variable time lead to the introductions of time zones. A lot of talk about trains and time, so I will move on!

The second major event was the Marconi radio which lead to a series of advancements culminating with the telephone. The telephone industry produced the largest company to ever exist in the United States. Bell telephone, several universities, and a defense program known as DARPA created the internet. Later Bell was broken up in such a way as to make Verizon an owner of more of AT&T circa 1990 that AT&T owns today. Time has a funny way of making ones craziest notions into a monkey paw reality if you wait long enough.

Now people could travel anywhere and their ideas could travel faster. It should have been the greatest age in human civilization. But people are more miserable than ever. I want to tell another story now, quickly, and then I will wrap things up.

In the movie the Matrix it is mentioned that the machines that control humanity started by placing them in an ideal paradise. However, the people kept waking up, their minds could not handle perfection. So it was decided to put the people in an imperfect world that mirrored their own society. This way they would accept their reality. I think this throw away part of the story is the most likely to be true part of the entire fictional film.

We have created our own garden of Eden paradox that is reinforced each time we look at the internet. The phone shows us an ideal picture of the world where everyone smiles and has great lighting. Everyone is eating beautiful meals, but you just know it tastes bland. The more you see the beautiful world and fill your belly the more miserable you somehow feel.

As things get better, we take it for granted and become more bitter and negative. Turning first against others and then ourselves and our tribe. Our minds will not accept that things are perfect because the reality is things are a little better but we want it to be so much more. We keep waking up and many are willing to burn it all and throw it away. It is not chicken tenders and you are not eating brussel sprouts! Throw that shit on the floor!

As much as it pains me I have found that taking a breath and looking for something positive is the only thing that helps. If I discover a quicker secret I will share it here. Until next time, Thank you for Riding With Me!

Recorded: 2/22/2025
Visibility: Partly Sunny / Snow
Destinations in chronological order:

South Charleston, WV: B-4:22, 27:28-34:10, 54:53-1:29:30, 1:41:05-2:04:43, 2:27:25-2:58:41, 3:08:16-E
Thomas Hospital Rear Entrance, US60/MacCorkle Avenue, I64, Dunbar Toll Bridge, Chestnut Street, Ford Street, Chesapeake Street, Kanawha Turnpike, WV601/Jefferson Road, US119/Corridor G, Southridge, WV214//Oakhurst Drive, RHL Boulevard, Shops at Trace Fork, Dudley Farms, Preferred Place, Southmoore Apartments, Richmond Circle, Kentucky Street

Dunbar, WV: 4:22-7:19, 21:59-27:28, 34:10-37:25, 1:29:30-1:41:05, 2:04:43-2:13:52, 2:58:41-3:08:16
I64, WV25/Fairlawn Avenue, WV25,10th Street, Dunbar Toll Bridge, WV25\25/Roxalana Road, Roxalana Hills, WV25/Dunbar Avenue/7th Avenue,

Cross Lanes, WV: 7:19-8:41, 37:25-38:46

Nitro, WV: 8:41-21:59, 38:46-47:56
I64, WV25/1st Avenue, Center Street/3rd Street

Saint Albans, WV: 47:56-54:53
3rd Street/Center Street, US60/MacCorkle Avenue

Charleston, WV: 2:13:52-2:27:25
WV25/7th Avenue, Iowa Street, US60/Patrick Street, Patrick Street Bridge, WV61/US60/MacCorkle Avenue, US119/Corridor G – my website – my Facebook – my YouTube – my Venmo

My dash-cam is slowly dying so I am trying to raise $120 to get a new one with extra delivery work. If you got any value out of this video please consider donating to make future videos possible 🙂


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